Saturday, April 26, 2008


It was soo hard!!! But I crossed the finish took me 3 hours..but my goal was slow and steady. I felt it was harder for me than actual childbirth and there was a point that I did not think I could go on....but there was no where else to go!! I am undecided right now if I will ever run that thing again!! Thank you Holly and Christy for motivating me and decorating my car...sorry I was soo hard to find. It was soo swwet of you guys!
Jen, Emily and running buddies....we really did not stay together too long...we look so happy and excited before the race....we did not know that in the next 3 hours we'd be wondering why we did this to ourselves!!

After the race....these are fake smiles for the camera...and we are mad that we did not get our potato..........we need to be faster next time......then we can get the food!! Thank you guys....we did it!