Saturday, May 24, 2008

Avery's Dance Debut

Well we finally got through a year of dance!! Avery loves to dance, but not soo much taking class. She loves to do what she wants...but in class she is having to learn and do things that are not has fun as dancing in our living room. The only thing that got us through was me saying that she gets to dance on a stage, get a sequin costume and wear makeup...that was the most important :)

I have to say...I have tried not to pressure in anyway...but I was very proud of her...most of all of just finishing!

Avery's cheering crowd! She made sure to tell us that we could not say or clap until the very end. And then when all the girls were going off stage, she stayed on waving at was soo funny!

My Little Baby!

Thes are some favorite pictues of Marley through these last 2 years! Here she is coming out of me...she went breach in the last days....and when he tried to turn her she would not budge....this fits her personality now...she started out being stubborn!
She had and still does have soo much hair...we could actually put it in a pony tail it went down over her ears.
Her first bath
My little bubble baby
Her first Halloween...she was a caterpillar...sisterly love

My Baby is 2

Marley is 2...I cannot believe it...she has suddleny changed into a little girl. She is talking all the time and tries to be soo funny. She loves playing with Avery and they are such good buddies. Avery is the one person she wants attention from. It is soo heartwarming to see them play and love eachother. Thanks for the cake Grandma!!

She got a swimming pool from Grandpa Ali and Grandma Shirley in Canada. Both Great grandmothers sent her a birthday card!
Avery got these big birthday parties when she was 1-3. I decided that since she does not remember them I can just wait with Marley....poor 2nd child :) We had everyone over that she loves...that is all that matters to her...and ice cream!

Mothers Day

The Girls love Grandma and spending time together. Marley still cannot actually say "grandma", so she just calls everyone "papa". For mothers day both grandma and I got a show put on by the girls. This is a nightly event at our house. It is all about dressing up and dancing....what are we in for :)
Avery found a pair of my old fake glasses....she now wears them when she reads with dad. She says they are making her smarter.....whatever works!
One thing I love about summer is making a fire and roasting is like camping....but then you can go to bed in your house and not have to deal with the bugs and squatting to go to the bathroom!!
For mothers day I got my nice big hanging baskets..we love looking at them and being on our is like a nice little oasis! Thank you!!