Saturday, January 5, 2008

I promise I can spell!!

I have just gone through some of my posts, and I am soo embarrassed that I have many mispellings!! I know you are thinking..."isn't she in the school system with our kids...." I promise I will proof read what I have written!! I can spell I prroomiissse :)

I am trying to be a little more creative!!! I am finding new tools everyday. Avery got a belly dancing present from Italy from Troys bother who is stationed there with his family. She is loving dancing around and hearing all the jingles whenever she is moving. You can see her doing her dancing poses. Marley is another story. She loves wearing Avery's Barbie nightgown...everywhere. And she has this thing about a wet cloth. All she wants is to carry around a wet cloth everywhere. She also likes carrying around her wipies. I do not know if it is a sign that she will be a cleaning lady :) The picture where she looks mad is when I took away the wet that particular moment I did not know where she got it....scary!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Holidays!

I didn't take that many pictures this year!!! or some of them have me in them..and we do not need to see that :) Christmas was really nice and relaxed...the girls are still easy and not requiring the most popular item. Avery just wants a lot of presents (i love the $1 store) and Marley just likes the boxes and paper....
You can tell we do not have a lot of snow usually doesn's snow that you can see the outfits they are wearing are a little scary...they wanted to play in the snow soo Marley looks like a little munchkin.
Avery loves hair supplies and makeup..poor Troy...he lives in a complete girl house!!
Marley got this nice soft chair from Grandma and Grandpa...she spent all day in it and would not let Avery get in it..she'd push her out and say "NO MINE" .....she is a fighter! As you can still see she is attached to her thumb...
As you can see again....still in the chair. Santa Claus sent Avery a letter telling her that is she did not clean her room he would not be coming...that was good fo about a week until he came. The room is now messy again....I might need to make up a President's day guy that beings presents if you keep your room clean.....