Saturday, April 26, 2008

Shoot for the Stars!!

Yes, I know what a lot of you are thinking....I had those shirts....Oh yes....have not seen these in awhile have ya!! Thanks to my mom for keeping all this stuff. Yes, these shirts are from the good ol days at the Dance Dimensions or what we now call the Double D :) They have to be 25 year old!!! CRAZY!!! I have the pom poms, the sequin unitard with the sequin arm bands. We have worn those arm bands out in public quite often. I am bringing a lot of you back some fun memories. Thanks Mom!! For some reason I cannot figure out how to make the pictures little posers!!

Oh yes...she loves the camera...and knows how to come up with the right pose right when I ask....what am I in for...I am worried....
Marley feels really cool when she can wear the same thing as Avery....or just wear Avery's clothes....she idolizes her big sister... she will mind what Avery says instead of me.....I get overrided quite a bit~!

Kinder Registration

I know every parent says this...but I cannot believe it is time for Avery to go to school!! fast time flies!! We had Kinder Registration and she was soo being the educator, I totally quized and tested her the night she would pass all the tests :) We practiced hopping on one foot, went through shapes, colors, letters, and numbers...poor Avery.....I was already the helicopter parent...the exact ones I hate to work with myself. I am going to have to stop that.....I do not want to be that parent that I avoid at school! Avery will be attending a fullday kinder. She is excited and ready to be at the "big school"
Ashlyn and Avery!!!


It was soo hard!!! But I crossed the finish took me 3 hours..but my goal was slow and steady. I felt it was harder for me than actual childbirth and there was a point that I did not think I could go on....but there was no where else to go!! I am undecided right now if I will ever run that thing again!! Thank you Holly and Christy for motivating me and decorating my car...sorry I was soo hard to find. It was soo swwet of you guys!
Jen, Emily and running buddies....we really did not stay together too long...we look so happy and excited before the race....we did not know that in the next 3 hours we'd be wondering why we did this to ourselves!!

After the race....these are fake smiles for the camera...and we are mad that we did not get our potato..........we need to be faster next time......then we can get the food!! Thank you guys....we did it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Toughest Marathon in the Northwest!!!

SO I am doing it....I have 2 more days!!! I have been hearing horror stories about my toenails falling off and turning black, not being able to walk for a couple days! My goal is to be slow and steady!! If any of you have any advice for running this half marathon let me know....I guess it is straight up the mountain and then straight down.....If I do not blog for awhile you will know that I am in bed soaking my feet :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

To All My Ladies

I saw this picture and it made me think about how grateful I am for all my wonderful girlfriends! We have had many good times together and I treasure all the memories. We have laughed, cried, and grown up together...thank you for the memories of the past and many more to come!! PS: You will never catch me posing in a bathingsuit with you!
I love you all

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Troy Needs A Boy!

Poor Troy....the Hockey Player that lives with a bunch of girls! He is such a good sport and lets the girls play beauty shop with him. The girls LOVE to play with daddy! His favorite game is "King", they are the servants and massage his feet or bring him food whenever he asks....and yes, this was Avery's idea for a game. I was like, what kind of game is this....when do we get to play "Queen" . She said we don't play queen but you can be the servant with us too.....I was thinking...I have already been playing this game with you all already!! This is my life :) But, then I told her that I do not want to be the "Queen", I want to be the "Emperor" of all the land!! And you all can be my servants....she said she will think about it and get back to me.......go figure!! Pretty Daddy!!! He needs some testosterone in the family before he turns into a girl!

Calling all my Bloggers!

Okay all of my blogging buddies...I need some help! I have tried and tried to get a new background from other sites to make my blog as cute as all of you!!

1. What sites do you all go to...I am not a scrapbooking person..and I want it this possible?
2. After you have downloaded a background, how do you get it to be a template for your blog!

Have have seriously spent hours trying to do this! With no luck and a lot of frustration...I consider myself a little techy....I am the tech support here at my house with Troy(sorry, you know it is true!) So why can't I figure this out!! Please help me!

My Cleaners!!

I now understand why parents like to teach their kids to enjoy cleaning and working now, so they will be able to just do it for us and just take it all over in the future. The girls love to help clean. At first it was more trouble because I can do it faster.....but I had a little "AHA" moment....if I make it seem fun, hopefully they will just do it for me in the live in cleaners!! The only problem with these two is that they are very picky in what they want to clean, and it never happens to be their room or toys...but I will take what I can get! The only difference between me and that I do not clean in the nude :) We had to do a censored picture to post!!
We are trying to mop the floor...Marley was slipping and falling everywhere because of the swimming pool they made on my hardwood..!!