Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Baby is 2

Marley is 2...I cannot believe it...she has suddleny changed into a little girl. She is talking all the time and tries to be soo funny. She loves playing with Avery and they are such good buddies. Avery is the one person she wants attention from. It is soo heartwarming to see them play and love eachother. Thanks for the cake Grandma!!

She got a swimming pool from Grandpa Ali and Grandma Shirley in Canada. Both Great grandmothers sent her a birthday card!
Avery got these big birthday parties when she was 1-3. I decided that since she does not remember them I can just wait with Marley....poor 2nd child :) We had everyone over that she loves...that is all that matters to her...and ice cream!