Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Rachel is OLD

Today I actually had to think about how old I am turning....I could not remember!! I didn't remember if I was 32 and turning 33....I am 32..SCARY!! I got the best present ever from Troy...I came home from school and the house had been cleaned!!! To actually have our house clean all at once instead of one room...it was heaven!!! We had dinner the night before at my parents house and the girls frosted the cake...i think it was more eating the frosting than actually putting it on the cake. Marley is now having to do everything that Avery is.....she cannot be left out!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Working in the Yard

Troy is our outside man, he has done a really great job landscaping and taking care of the yard. He planted a great garden this past summer until I ruined it by spraying a huge spider with some sort of chemical...anything to kill the thing :)
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Friday, November 9, 2007

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE EDWARDS FAMILY...our life is crazy and chaotic, but we would not have it any other way!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Avery has been ready for Halloween since September when Grandma and Grand pa bought her the costume!! She has been counting down the days. Marley was a flower and started to understand that when you ring the door bell you get candy...she was all over that and ran to each house. We go down to my parents house because they actually give the kids presents and full size candy bars....she doesn't know what it is like just to get a little sweet tart candy at a house...she now expects presents!!!

What am I doing??

This is new for me!!! But i figure I need to start being better about posting what our family is doing!! Soo, bare with me I am learning. I am starting to have too many family and friends going to different places, I figure this will be a great thing to have to connect with eachother!!!